What is the Free Trial Week?
Each month Longoria's has a Free Trial Week for you, your child, or the whole family to check out our various classes. Check the Free Trial page, for the next Free Trial Week, and when you're ready to Sign Up give us a call 402-975-2220
I hear you're closed two weeks a year, is that true?
Yes, built into your Membership is two closure weeks a year. The week surrounding July 4, and the week surrounding Christmas/New Years there are no classes. These dates are announced in the monthly newsletter. Occasionally there will be limited Kickboxing classes during the holiday weeks.
What about severe weather closures?
Typically we follow Lincoln Public School's closing decisions. However, there are circumstances where LPS closes but weather is clear by evening and we'll hold classes, OR where LPS is open but sever weather later in the day will cause us to cancel. The best bet is to keep an eye here on this page and our Social Media pages.
Is it true my rate won't go up as long as I'm a member, even if I need to freeze for a few months?
Yes, if our rates go up for new enrollments, current members stay at their original rates. It only goes up if you add on more family members. We have great family rates!
Do Taekwondo students actually use the gear they need to purchase?
Yes, sparring and safety gear and weapons are required and used at every class after White Belt rank. We also give a package discount on the gear to help with the cost.
Is it true Students need a permission form to test?
Yes, Permission forms are available on the Testing Page and must be signed by a Parent/Guardian and a Teacher in order for a Student to Test for their next belt/rank.
Is it true you need a specific amount/number of classes in order to test.
Yes. Each Belt requires Students to have attended a certain number of classes, see the Testing Page for details
What kind of equipment is required?
We offer a Start Up Package, which includes: Full Uniform with Belt, Hand pads, Foot pads, and a cinch bag to carry it all​
What competition opportunities are there?
Regional, National, and World Competition is available, but not required. White through Black belt levels.
How do you tie your belt?
Single wrap for color belts is a square not. Don't be afraid to ask an Instructor or Ms. Pati at the front, we're here to help you learn as you begin in martial arts.
How do you properly wear your top?
Right side in, left side on top. ​
How long does it take to get a black belt?
On average, attending 2-3 classes per week, you could achieve Black Belt in 2 1/2 - 3 years.
What does GTMA stand for?
GTMA = Global Traditional Martial Arts​. Learn more about GTMA here.
What is the meaning of the Instructors Stripes/Patches?
White Uniform with a Red Collar = Leadership Program​
White Uniform with Black Collar = Instructor
White Top with Black Pants = Black Belt
Full Black Uniform = Master Instructor 5th Degree Black Belt and higher
The trim on Patch signifies Master Level:
Silver = Junior Master, White = Master, Blue = Senior Master, Red = Chief Master, Gold = Grand Master
What do all of the stripes mean?